2024 CAHC Annual Meeting
The Child and Adolescent Health Center (CAHC) Program of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will hold its Annual Meeting on October 8 and 9, 2024. <strong><span style="color: rgb(31, 73, 125);"><span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);">This meeting will be held in person at the Somerset Inn in Troy, Michigan.</span></span></strong><span style="color: rgb(31, 73, 125);"><span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><strong><span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><span style="color: rgb(149, 55, 52);"><strong></strong></span></span></span></strong></span></span></span><br>
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<font color="#000000"><b><strong><span style="color: rgb(149, 55, 52);">IN-PERSON REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED DUE TO CAPACITY LIMITS. YOU MAY STILL REGISTER TO ATTEND VIRTUALLY.</span></strong></b></font><br>
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<strong><span style="color: rgb(31, 73, 125);"><span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);">Virtual Option:</span> </span></strong>There is a limited virtual option for those who cannot attend in person. However, virtual participants will only be able to participate on October 8th from 10:00 AM until Noon and then on October 9th from 1:00 until 2:15 PM for the closing keynote session with Kimberly Lear of Inlay Insights. Virtual participants will not have access to the model breakout sessions on October 8th, roundtable discussions or breakout sessions on October 9th.<span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);"></span><br>
<strong><span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);">AGENDA:</span> </strong><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Please take a moment to review the agenda before you complete your registration information, particularly if you are attending in person as you will need to select breakout sessions in three different time slots. <strong><span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);"><span style="color: rgb(149, 55, 52);">T</span><span style="color: rgb(149, 55, 52);">o view the agenda:</span> <a href="https://mdhhs.connect.space/2024-cahc-annual-meeting/function_files/2215/download" target="_blank">2024 CAHC Annual Meeting Final Agenda</a></span></strong><strong><span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><br>
</strong>There is no fee to attend the meeting.<br>
<strong>Hotel Information</strong><br>
Somerset Inn<br>
2601 West Big Beaver Road<br>
Troy, MI 48084<br>
<a href="https://www.somersetinn.com" target="_blank">Somerset Inn</a><br>
<span style="color: rgb(79, 129, 189);"><strong>Guest Rooms</strong></span><br>
The guest room rate is $129 for Tower Rooms and $149 for the Executive Wing plus applicable taxes of 13.3%. Rates are valid for single or double rooms. <strong><span style="color: rgb(192, 80, 77);">The room block is closed. You may call the hotel to see if rooms are still available at the meeting rates.</span></strong><strong><span style="color: rgb(192, 80, 77);"></span></strong><br>
Somerset Inn 2601 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, MI 48084 United States
2024 CAHC Annual Meeting
Tue, Oct 8, 2024 — Wed, Oct 9, 2024
Somerset Inn
2601 West Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI 48084 United States
Troy, MI 48084 United States
Thank you for participating in the 2024 Child and Adolescent Health Center (CAHC) Program Annual Meeting. You can view the full agenda and continuing education credit details here: 2024 CAHC Final Agenda
PowerPoint presentations can be found by clicking on the Agenda tab above. Scroll down to the session(s) for which you want to view the PowerPoint presentation. The link to the presentation will be found just under the session description.
If you have any questions, please contact Diane Drago at ddrago@dmsevents.com.